2021-2024: HybridChange: The potential of hybridization to promote rapid adaptation during climate change. Funded by FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (ref. PTDC/BIA-EVL/1307/2020). €249941. 2021-2024. Project members: José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO), Pierre Boursot (ISEM), Paulo C. Alves (CIBIO), João Marques (CIBIO).
2020-2025: Partner choice and the evolution of cooperation. Funding ERC 1,999,335k€. Project members: Rita Covas (CIBIO), Claire Doutrelant (CEFE), Julien Renoult (CEFE), Fanny Rybak (U. Paris Sud)
2020-2023: The evolution of extended phenotypes and associated signals in animals: weaverbirds’ nests and sexual selection as a case study. Funding ANR 517k€. Project members: Claire Doutrelant (CEFE), Rita Covas (CIBIO), Julien Renoult (CEFE), Fanny Rybak (U. Paris Sud), Doris Gomez (CEFE)
2019-2021: Genomics of differentiation and hybridisation between spcies of two groups of mammals: hares and mice. Funding by the French Conférence des Présidents d’Universités (CNU) and the Portuguese Conselho dos Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP), programme “co-tutelle PESSOA”. 4000 Euros/year. Project members: João Pedro Marques (CIBIO, ISEM), José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO), Pierre Boursot (ISEM).
2018-2019: Relaxed selection at immunity genes in insular populations ? A test using a population genomics approach. Labex CEMEB exploratory research grants; 23.000 Euros. Project members: C. Doutrelant (CEFE), B. Naboltz (ISEM), C. Loiseau, R. Covas, M. Melo (CIBIO).
2018-2019: SpeciSex – Investigating the role of sex chromosomes in reproductive isolation and speciation. Labex CEMEB exploratory research grants; 23.400 Euros. Project members: PA Crochet (CEFE), F Veyrunes (ISEM), R Leblois (CBGP), C Pinho, JC Brito (CIBIO).
2018-2019. PHC PESSOA. Genomics of differentiation and hybridisation between spcies of two groups of mammals: hares and mice. Funding FCT and Campus France; 4.440 Euros/year. Project members: Pierre Boursot (ISEM), José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO), Khalid Belkhir (ISEM), Rémy Dernat (ISEM), João P. Marques (CIBIO, ISEM).
2016-2019. Why Cooperate. Funding: ANR, ANR-15-CE32-Whycooperate. Principal Investigator: Claire Doutrelant (CEFE). Project members: Rita Covas, Arnaud Grégoire, Franck Théron, Sophie Lardy, Arnaud Tognetti, André Ferreira, Fanny Rybak, Bruno Faivre.
2016-2018. Assessing the role of direct benefits in the evolution of cooperation. Funding: FCT, PTDC/BIA-EVF/5249/2014. Principal Investigator: Rita Covas (CIBIO). Project members: Claire Doutrelant, Franck Théron, Sophie Lardy, Arnaud Tognetti, André Ferreira.
2016-2017. Determining the role of cytonuclear coevolution and coadaptation in massive mitochondrial DNA introgression. Funding: Conférence des Présidents d’Université (CPU) and Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas (CRUP) in the frame of PAUILF programme. Principal Investigators: Pierre Boursot (ISEM) and José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO). Project members: Fernando Seixas (CIBIO and ISEM), Paulo C. Alves (CIBIO).
Since 2008. Cooperation and population dynamics in the Sociable Weaver. Funding: DST-NRF Centre of Excellence at the Percy FitzPatrick Institute, University of Cape Town. Principal Investigator: Rita Covas (CIBIO). Project members: Claire Doutrelant, Franck Théron, Sophie Lardy, Arnaud Tognetti, André Ferreira.
2013-2017. HybridAdapt – Hybridization, adaptation and historical demography: a population genomics study. Co- funded by FCT and ANR: FCT, FCT-ANR/BIA-EVF/0250/2012 (249.775 Euros); ANR, ANR-12-ISV7-0002-01 (319.893 Euros). Principal Investigators: Paulo Célio Alves (CIBIO) and Pierre Boursot (ISEM). Project members: Rita Campos (CIBIO), Miguel Carneiro (CIBIO), Miguel M. Fonseca (CIBIO), José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO), Khalid Belkhir (ISEM), François Bonhomme (ISEM), Pierre Caminade (ISEM), Rémy Dernat (ISEM), Carole Smadja (ISEM).
2012-2016. Cooperation— Towards an understanding of cooperation in an African passerine bird. Funding: FP7-PEOPLE-2012-Marie Curie-IRSES: 318994. Project coordinator: Rita Covas (CIBIO). Project members: Claire Doutrelant (CEFE), Matthieu Paquet (CEFE).
2013-2015. A comparative study of parasite pressure, immunity and sexual ornaments between island and mainland birds. Funding: FCT, FEDER, PTDC/BIA-BIC/4556/2012. Principal investigator: Elisa Lobato (CIBIO). Project members: Rita Covas (CIBIO), Martim Melo (CIBIO), Claire Doutrelant (CEFE, CIBIO).
2013-2015. Molecular and population genetic signatures of cytonuclear interactions: the Podarcis model. Funding: FCT, FEDER, EXPL/BIA-EVF/1283/2012. Principal investigator: Catarina Pinho (CIBIO). Project members: Daniele Salvi (CIBIO), Pierre-André Crochet (CEFE), Philippe Geniez (CEFE), François Rousset (ISEM).
2013-2015. DESERTFLOW – Assessing gene flow and contact zone dynamics in desert lizards under climate change scenarios. Funding: FCT, FEDER, PTDC/BIA-BIC/2903/2012, 130.000 Euros. Principal investigator: José Carlos Brito (CIBIO). Project member: Pierre-André Crochet (CEFE).
2013-2014. HybridCoop – Hybridization and adaptation in Iberian hares. Funding: FCT, Campus France, PESSOA Program of Cooperation between France and Portugal. Principal Investigators: José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO), Pierre Boursot (ISEM). Project members: Paulo Célio Alves (CIBIO), Fernando Seixas (CIBIO, ISEM).
2011-2014. Assessing the functional implications of mitochondrial DNA introgression in hares. Funding: FCT, FEDER, PTDC/BIA-EVF/111931/2009. Principal investigator: José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO/UP). Project members: Paulo Célio Alves (CIBIO), Rita Campos (CIBIO), Miguel M. Fonseca (CIBIO) and Pierre Boursot (ISEM).
2011-2014. CRYPSIS – Genetic determination and evolution of seasonal phenotype variation of coat-colour in boreal species. Funding: FCT, FEDER, PTDC/BIA-EVF/115069/2009. Principal investigator: Paulo Célio Alves (CIBIO). Project members: José Melo-Ferreira (CIBIO) and Miguel Carneiro (CIBIO). Consultant: Pierre Boursot (ISEM).